A loan helped a member to fix her home, to set up a business in front of her home, to continue selling fast food and to start selling Chinese food.

Cocopampa Group's story

The acpd "Cocopampa" are in their 8th cycle. They are considered a responsible group with a lot of enthusiasm to get ahead. Now they have a new member which is Lucy, she is a determined, early-rising and respectful person.

She began a salchipollo, (fast food) business eight years ago outside of her home. She makes all types of fast food. She also works in farming. She sows cocoa and sometimes other products in the area.

Lucy is 36 years old. She has two small children who are 12 and 13 years old and she is a single mother. She is asking for a loan to fix her home. She wants to improve it to be able to have a business, to be able to save and to provide better studies for her children and continue building her home to improve her quality of life.

Improving her home will allow her to expand her salchipapa, (fast food) sales and to sell Chinese food.

In the photo you can see the group leaders, "President, Secretary and Treasurer".

In this group: Elizabeth, Adela, Mariluz, Rocio, Lidia, Vilma, Jorge, Mary Luz, Josue, Fabian, Emerson, Lucy

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Erica McLay.

This loan is special because:

It empowers women through community support and financial training.

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