A loan helped to support her home-based sewing business with raw materials.

Mona's story

Mona is 32 years old Jordanian, married and a mother of 5 children. Her husband works in a small store and because of the hard-economic situation and the responsibilities of living they are facing many difficulties every day.

But because Mona is a very determined woman, she decided to help her husband by starting a home-based sewing business. She hopes through her work to get additional income to cover part of the family expenses.

Mona needs more raw materials and tools for the business but she lacks the financial ability so she decided to ask for a 1,000 JD loan to buy sewing tools and materials to continue with her business.

She hopes to be successful in her business to help herself and her family.

This loan is special because:

It empowers the most vulnerable and marginalized women in Jordan.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details