A loan helped to buy cattle to increase her income from cattle breeding.

Albina's story

Albina, age 36, is married and has three sons and a daughter. She has a secondary education and is kind and compassionate by nature. She has been engaged in animal husbandry and crop farming for 10 years as the primary source of income for her family. Thanks to her hard work, her farm currently has a cow, 20 sheep, two horses, and a 0.7-hectare plot of land where she grows beans.

In order to further develop her business, Albina applied to Bai Tushum Bank for a loan of 100,000 som (KGS) to buy livestock in order to increase her income from raising livestock. She plans to invest profits from the loan in the expansion of her farm.

Translated from Russian.

This loan is special because:

The borrower receives a lower interest rate to fund their agriculture activities.

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