A loan helped to purchase improved inputs in order to get a good harvest and earn more money.

Shafiu's story

Shafiu is from a small community in Kaduna, Nigeria, where he grows maize to support his wife and children. Maize farming is the primary occupation within his community, and like many other farmers in his community, the income he earns from cultivating is not enough to enhance the standard of living of his family.

Shafiu is requesting a loan to buy better yielding seeds, fertilizers, and other important agricultural inputs that will improve his farming operations and boost his yield. Shafiu plans to use the profits he earns from his harvest to buy more nutritious foods for him and his family.

With this loan, he will get access to improved seeds, fertilizers, herbicides, and other inputs, which are critical to increasing his yield and income. This will enable him to generate earnings of up to three times the average Nigerian farmer’s annual income.

Shafiu recalls sending his children to school as his happiest memory as a Babban Gona member. Shafiu looks forward to a brighter future with Babban Gona and to making many more great memories with his family

This loan is special because:

It supports smallholder farmers and helps them increase yields.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details