A loan helped a member to buy animals for resale in order to take care of the family.

Wassa Group's story

The lady holding the sheep's rope is called Gnele. She is a 58 year old Malian who is married with five children all in school.
She rears ovines and her business consists of buying sheep at the local market to rear before selling them at the same market. Thanks to this business, she is able to contribute to the household expenses (food, shoes, clothing, school fees and medical costs).
She has been in this business for three years. For financial reasons she joined RMCR to take out a loan to increase the volume of her business.
Her dream is to guarantee the school fees for her children so that they can continue studying and get their qualifications in the future.

In this group: Gnele, Souleymane Chacka, Dougo, Amady, Selimata, Bintou, Baba, Sitan Foune

Translator profile picture

Translated from French by Kiva volunteer Joanne Assheton.

This loan is special because:

It empowers farmers and entrepreneurs in underserved areas in Mali.

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