A loan helped a member to buy seed peanuts and fertilizer.

Khadidiatou's Group's story

Created in November 2012, the group of women that this member belongs to live in the same community. They are united by ties of friendship and they earn their livings principally in agriculture.

Khadidiatou is the group representative. She is 55 years old, married and the mother of seven children. Four of them are boys. With this new loan she is going to buy seed peanuts and fertilizer to farm during the rainy season.

Her expected earnings will allow her to support her husband with paying the family expenses.

In this group: Khadidiatou , Kine , Mariama, Maty , Yama, Yama, Coumba , Yama , Seynabou , Niakhana, Arame , Mbayang, Fatou , Safy , Dawa , Die, Khady, Aissatou

Translator profile picture

Translated from French by Kiva volunteer leonardo.

This loan is special because:

It empowers women in rural Senegal.

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