A loan helped to buy another dairy cow of a quality breed, to satisfy the demand for milk, and to use the profits to support her family.

Jane's story

Jane, a 48 year old mom of 3 school going children, is a borrower with a great credit history and is an extraordinary woman with a great personality. She is a role model, a mentor, and an inspiration to many young farmers in her village.

For the past few years, Jane has been involved in mixed farming, and her primary source of income has been from growing maize as well as keeping dairy cows. She has been able to provide nutritious food for her family.

Jane decided the best way to increase her income is to improve her farm's productivity. To increase milk production, she can either buy more cows or replace the existing cows with more productive breeds. The latter makes more economic sense.

Traditional breeds are well-adjusted to the environmental conditions and are disease resistant but their milk production is very low. Crossbreeds and Frisians are more productive and can survive in the same environment as the traditional breeds, but come at a higher price.

Jane is seeking a loan from Kiva lenders to purchase another productive dairy cow that will bring her more income and improve her milk vending business. She will use the additional income to pay for her children's education and to meet family expenses.

Her future plan is to keep growing her income-generating asset base. Jane really hopes for lender's contributions and is looking forward to a warm response. Support this focused mum this 2020.

This loan is special because:

It finances smallholder farmers to purchase dairy cows, chickens, cereals, farm inputs and farming equipment.

Loan details

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