A loan helped to buy cereals (beans and maize) to sell in her village market, and as a mom, use the profits to support her children.

Winnie's story

Juhudi Kilimo, a field partner that cares about women, is hopeful that Kiva lenders are adhering to the safety measures in responding to the COVID-19 pandemic. Meet Winnie, a 28-year-old repeat Kiva borrower with a very good loan repayment history.

She lives in Bomet, a town that hosts a number of elite athletes in Kenya. She has been farming for the last five years. In her village, she practices mixed farming. The income she makes from selling milk and different crops is used to meet the basic needs of her household. Though she has gathered much experience in this business, she is not comfortable with the little amount she earns.

Winnie has decided to focus more of her attention on farming. However, she needs to boost her income by buying different varieties of cereals (beans and corn) from local farmers and selling them to her customers at the local market.

Through this engagement, she will earn a commission that she intends to use to repay the loan and elevate her standard of living.

This loan is special because:

It finances smallholder farmers to purchase dairy cows, chickens, cereals, farm inputs and farming equipment.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details