A loan helped to plough their plantation and hire men to help with the harvest of their yams.

Uikelotu's story

Meet Uikelotu. She is 78 years old, married with seven grown-up children. Uikelotu and her husband live together with their two youngest sons. Together they run a business of growing crops. They grow diverse types of crops such as taro, yams, cassava, etc. Her sons and husband take care of their plantation, while Uikelotu does the marketing of their crops.

They also send their crops overseas but due to the lock-down, they have to just sell locally. She is applying for a loan to plough their plantation and also hire men to help with the harvesting of their yams.

This loan is special because:

It provides women with credit in a country where alternative financing is extremely scarce.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details