A loan helped to buy mulberry for her tapa making business and also hire men to help harvest yams.

'Amelia's story

'Amelia is 48 years old and married to a farmer with eight children. They live in their own home. 'Amelia and her husband run a business growing crops and making tapa.

Her husband takes care of their plantation and their children help when it is not a school day. They grow yams, taro, and some other crops. 'Amelia sell their crops in town alongside the main road in the market area.

'Amelia began making tapa to support their plantation. The tapa making only runs once a week. She also had her husband grow mulberry trees at their plantation but they aren't yet mature enough to use. She applied for a loan to buy mulberry and also hire men to help her husband with the harvesting of their yams.

This loan is special because:

It helps proven female entrepreneurs grow their businesses and create jobs.

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