A loan helped to buy equipment and land to expand our juice bar.

Ata's story

I was born in South Los Angeles, California to progressive and forward thinking parents. Right thinking and diet, health and wellness were ordinary conversions in our home. We were exposed to literature about the healing power of natural food and herbs. We frequently visited family friends who were vegetarian, vegan or adhered to stick kosher or halal diets. At one family friends house, I can remember making almond milk from scratch. Other times we frequented the weekly farmer’s market. I can vividly remember the taste of freshly squeezed orange juice...undeniable. My upbringing played a major role in formulating the philosophy behind Prism Juice Bar namely “Think globally, act locally! A colorful diet means a vibrant healthy life. If you can’t eat your veggies drink them. Your mind is a prism for the light to shine through”. My comes from wanting to see people well and whole.

This loan is special because:

It supports a community-oriented business.

Loan details

About Prism Juice Bar

Industry: Food
Years in operation: More than 5 years
Website: prismjuice.com


Lenders and lending teams

Loan details