A loan helped increase in stock.

Luisa's story

Luisa is 44 years old, has a 27 year old daughter, and has recently started dating Juan (39 years old), with whom she has yet to have children.

She works selling drinks, candy, and fruit, products that she sells in her small home-based store. She has worked alone, without anyone's help, for 25 years. Luisa enjoys serving her customers, who always return because of the good service she provides. Luisa tells us that her most loyal customers are housewives, who she sometimes gives credit to so that they always have something to eat in their homes. She believes the help she gives them is paid back in the earnings she makes. Currrently, her store is made of rustic material (calamine and wood) which is why she has been saving to rebuild it with more durable material.

This is her third loan with MFP. She is confident that she will make her payments on time, as she has been doing so far. Furthermore, she enjoys been a part of her communal bank as all the members are responsible. The loan she's asking for will be used to purchase more food products for her store.

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer anonymized.

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