This village bank loan is for a group that consists of nine people who live in Stueng Chrov village in Kandal province. Mrs. Sophea K. is the leader of this group, selected by all the members of the group. Each member will use a loan for different purposes. Mrs. Sophea K. sells vegetables in a local market. Her husband, Mr. Choeurn Chey, is a construction worker and a fisherman. Her husband did not have enough fishing supplies to support his work as a fisherman. To improve this business, Mrs. Sophea K. is asking for a loan to buy a boat. She supports three children, one of whom is a seamstress in a garment factory. Another is a furniture maker. The third is attending a local public school.
In this group: Sophea, Navy, Vanly, Sophas, Nary, Sokhom, Chanthorn, Bopha, Kosal