A loan helped a member to stock up on 3 bags of cassava wholesale, which will strengthen her initial capital.

Safina Group's story

Madame Georgette is a client of IMF Hekima and the president of the banque villageoise “Safina”. She is married, 50 years old, and the mother of 12 children who are all in school. Her partner is a civil servant.

She is a vendor of cassava. She started this business in 2000 with starter funds from their warehouse manager at the time. Later, she chose the Hekima program to support her business, during which she gradually improved her work.

With this new loan, she is going to stock up on 3 bags of cassava wholesale, which will strengthen her initial capital. The challenges with her work are linked to the sale of bad quality cassava flour. She would like her children to continue to study.

Lastly, she would like to thank Hekima and their partners for the support of unbankable business owners in the context of the global crisis related to Covid-19. The photo is only of the group leader because of Covid-19.

In this group: Kabuya, Georgette, Liberata, Marceline, Jeanne D'arc, Jacqueline, Alfred, Chantal, Thomas, Elisabeth, Anuarite, Augustin, Speciose, Jean Claude, Leoncile, Merveille, Marie

Translated from French by Kiva volunteer Bonnie Zaleski.

This loan is special because:

It helps borrowers withstand negative economic impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic.

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