A loan helped to purchase d.light solar lanterns that will be sold to rural customers in Mozambique.

Sogepal's story

Eliasse (the student pictured) is pursuing his mechanical engineering diploma through distance learning, living on the outskirts of Mozambique’s capital Maputo. While he aspired to learn how to “take apart a bike and put it back together again”, he was struggling to complete his studies as he only got a few hours to study during the day after chores, and the night was a completely different story for his off-grid household.

Eliasse is among the 18 million Mozambicans going to sleep at night without light, as less than 5% of rural households have access to electricity. Electricity creates opportunities — opportunities to learn, communicate, start a business, and build a better life. Safe and reliable electricity was until now unaffordable for nearly anyone not living close to the city.

SOGEPAL, a local social enterprise based in Mozambique, wants to change that. Partnering with d.light design, a leading manufacturer of solar lighting products, they aim to bridge the energy infrastructure gap by providing high-quality solar lights to thousands of “off-grid” families. They have already provided sustainable lighting and clean cooking to over 40,000 households across the country, and their mission is to bring clean energy to a million more. This loan will be used as working capital to purchase solar lanterns that will be sold in rural areas of Mozambique. Your contribution will help thousands of people like Eliasse look forward to a brighter future!

This loan is special because:

It catalyzes access to affordable solar-powered products for lower-income households in sub-Saharan Africa.

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