A loan helped my woman-owned business recover and grow after my 2 month illness with COVID.

Katy's story

I was raised in a small Appalachian Ohio town on the Ohio river where generosity and integrity were core parts of the culture. I was blessed with strong female role models in my grandmother, a factory worker who supported the family in spite of the challenges of her alcoholic husband, a mother who met every challenge with strength and courage and made a huge impact in the lives of teenagers with struggles, and a father and brothers who were the kindest and most honest people I have ever known. The combination of those influences involving courage and integrity have informed my careers in sociology, education, and real estate/neighborhood development.
I have taught K-12 special education through college courses in medical sociology and gender studies, directed an AIDS Service Organization education program and a sexuality education program at the University of Colorado. Before leaving education, I developed a K-12 health curriculum, led state-wide efforts to improve health in children and those who teach them, have led efforts to incorporate LGBTQ education in public schools and led associated efforts to mobilize communities.
While it doesn't seem intuitive to leap from those backgrounds to real estate, all of those experiences have inspired me to lead a group of investors for nine years. I provide education and master mind groups that support a whole-person approach to investment strategies that has a foundation in personal development & health, and investing with integrity. I believe that investments in lower socio-economic neighborhoods should be done with a collaborative approach that provides a path for home ownership for the residents of those neighborhoods. I now blend my educator, social change agent and collaborator backgrounds with real estate investment and education based on the philosophy that “A rising tide lifts all boats.”

This loan is special because:

It supports a woman-owned business.

Loan details

About Investors Network Community (also known as Investors Network of Colorado)

Industry: Education
Years in operation: More than 5 years
Website: investorsnetworkcommunity.com


Lenders and lending teams

Loan details