A loan helped to provide emergency funds for 800 borrowers to purchase basic necessities and feed their families during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Chamroeun Microfinance's story

Chamroeun is a microfinance institution that primarily supports women living in rural areas of Cambodia. It has worked with Kiva since 2016 to fulfill its mission of improving the livelihoods, skills, and self-confidence of poor families in Cambodia by providing responsible microfinance and complementary socio-economic services. During that time, Kiva lenders have helped Chamroeun serve over 4,000 borrowers with almost $3 million lent through the Kiva platform. Along with financing, borrowers gain access to services such as business education and health insurance.

The global COVID-19 crisis has led to many of Chamroeun’s borrowers losing their income entirely. As Chamroeun works with some of the most impoverished people in Cambodia, its staff has recognized that borrowers need funds to purchase necessities to meet the basic needs of their families. This loan of $200,000 will allow Chamroeun to provide much needed funding at the lowest possible cost to borrowers during a time when other microfinance institutions are refusing to lend. Part of the loan may also be used to purchase personal protective equipment (PPE) for Chamroeun’s staff so they can continue to serve borrowers safely.

This loan is part of Kiva’s Crisis Support Loan program to assist our Field Partner organizations directly so they can continue to support our borrowers. Because it is part of a pilot program, this loan may have higher risk. Read more in the "More about this loan" section below.

This loan is special because:

This loan helps Field Partners withstand negative economic impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic.

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Lenders and lending teams

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