A loan helped to empower women and cocoa farmers with land ownership in rural Ghana.

Meridia's story

In Ghana, over 90% of smallholder farmers lack documents proving they are rightful owners of their land. This prevents them from developing their businesses and gaining economic independence. Women without land documentation are excluded from negotiations and unable to secure the wellbeing of their families. The COVID-19 pandemic has made women even more vulnerable to the threat of losing their inheritance, and rural poor populations are at greater risk of food insecurity and losing their agricultural livelihoods. Land rights secure their most valuable asset and future prosperity.

Meridia unlocks economic potential for women and smallholder farmers by providing them with legal title to their land. Land rights stimulate financial inclusion, increasing farmer productivity up to 45% and empowering women with autonomy and 3.8x more earned income. Since 2015, Meridia has reached more than 60,000 beneficiaries, provided more than 13,000 land documents, and closed the gender gap in land ownership.

The pandemic has impacted Meridia’s ability to continue normal operations in Ghana. This loan of $200,000 will provide Meridia with flexible working capital in order to continue paying its staff, the company’s most valuable asset, and to prevent delays in serving their customers in the aftermath of COVID restrictions.

This is the second Kiva loan to Meridia. View Meridia’s last loan here.

This loan is special because:

Formal property ownership allows low income individuals to access many economic benefits.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

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