A loan helped to buy farm inputs, such as fertilizer and seeds, to expand her crop farm.

Jennifer's story

Jennifer is very happy to share her profile again on this platform. She is a determined woman who has always been the voice of hope for her three school-going children. She has been a mixed farmer for many years, enabling her to give her family a solid reputation. Jennifer lives with her family in Sotik, one of the most beautiful places in Kenya.

Access to modern, quality farm inputs is the pillar of the agricultural revolution. However, in Kenya, a developing country, fertilizer and seed allocation by the government is way below the needs of farmers. Since Juhudi Kilimo, in partnership with Kiva, ventured into the affairs of smallholder farmers in Kenya, farmers can attest that there has been a significant improvement in input availability.

Jennifer is humbly seeking this loan to buy farm inputs, such as fertilizer and seeds, so that she can expand her horticultural farm, increase her output, and make profits to educate her children. She believes that education is the path to success and wants her lovely children to be successful.

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This loan is special because:

It finances smallholder farmers to purchase dairy cows, chickens, cereals, farm inputs and farming equipment.

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