A loan helped a member to buy cassava and corn flour to make beverages, which will strengthen her initial capital.

Badilika Group's story

Mme Albertine est cliente de Hekima IMF et préside la banque villageoise « BADILIKA » ; Elle est mariée, âgée de 47ans et mère de 4 enfants qui sont tous scolarisés, son partenaire est un ajusteur.
Elle est vendeuse de la boisson produit localement, elle a démarré cette entreprise depuis 22ans avec les fonds de démarrage reçus de son mari. Plus tard elle impliquant le programme Hekima pour soutenir son entreprise, au cours de laquelle elle évolua progressivement. Avec ce nouveau prêt, elle va s'approvisionner de la farine de manioc et de maïs pour fabriquer la boisson, ce qui renforcera son capital initial. Son entreprise n’a aucun défi.
Elle aimerait que ses enfants continuent à étudier et qu’elle nourrisse sa famille. Enfin, elle souhaite remercier Hekima et ses partenaires pour le soutien apportés aux propriétaires d’entreprises non monnayables dans ce contexte de crise global lié au covid-19. La photo est seulement du leader du groupe à cause du covid-19.

Madame Albertine is a client of Hekima IMF and chairs the BADILIKA banc villageois. She is 47 years old, married, and the mother of 4 children, who are all in school. Her partner is an adjuster.

She sells locally produced beverages. She started her business 22 years ago with start-up funds she received from her husband. Later she obtained a loan through the Hekima program to support her business, which has grown gradually since then. With this new loan she plans to buy cassava and corn flour to make beverages, which will strengthen her initial capital. Her business has no challenges.

Madame Albertine would like her children to continue their education and to provide for them. Finally, she would like to thank Hekima and its partners for the support they have provided to owners of business that have no monetary value during this global covid-19 crisis. The photo shows only the group's leader on account of covid-19.

In this group: Julienne, Albertine, Liliane, Pascal, Guilain, Honorine, Anita, Safi, Gidefrida, Bengeya, Julie, Anoirite, Lwanzo

Translated from French by Kiva volunteer JOHN LONSDALE.

This loan is special because:

It helps borrowers withstand negative economic impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic.

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