A loan helped to buy quality farming inputs such as certified seeds and nutrient-rich fertilizers, so as to improve her farm, generate more profits, and educate her children.

Catherine's story

Catherine is a 64-year-old mother of four children. She lives in Makutano, an area that has a history of regular rainfall patterns, and this has a direct connection with good agricultural production.

Catherine has a lot of experience in farming. Having practiced farming for more than 10 years, she is considered one of the best farmers in her village. Her primary sources of income are milk, eggs, and crops.

When Catherine learned about Juhudi Kilimo and Kiva, she became interested. In Kenya, agriculture is one of the most competitive industries, especially due to the high costs of operations necessary to improve farming. Such costs include the cost of land acquisition and inputs, which have always skyrocketed.
To cover the high costs of inputs, farmers have been forced to borrow from financial institutions, which sometimes impose very complicated procedures in loans distribution. Some farmers, especially women, end up in hopelessness, despondency, and lack of morale to invest in agriculture.

Catherine requested this loan so that she can buy quality farming inputs such as certified seeds and nutrient-rich fertilizers, which she plans to use on her farm. With these inputs, Catherine will be assured of a good harvest, which will consequently reflect in her pocket.

This loan is special because:

It finances smallholder farmers to purchase dairy cows, chickens, cereals, farm inputs and farming equipment.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details