A loan helped to buy farm inputs (high-quality seeds and nutrient-rich fertilizers) to improve his farm and use the profits to educate his children.

Joseph's story

Joseph, a repeat Kiva borrower, is a 51 year old father of three children living in Nyamira, a town whose surroundings have vast agricultural potential with numerous small farms and also vast agricultural enterprises. His desire to get ahead is admirable because, despite his age and the obstacles he has experienced, he hasn't weakened in his efforts to achieve his objective. What he sets out to do, he achieves. Through the profits from his farm, Joseph has managed to take care of his family's needs and also give his children a good education. With this loan, he will purchase farming inputs such as high-quality seeds and nutrient-rich fertilizers that he will use to greatly improve his crop production. Modern farming requires the use of modern techniques, and high-quality seeds will assure him of a bumper harvest and increased profits. Joseph’s plan for this season is to boost his farm's productivity, and this can only be achieved if the wonderful Kiva lenders extend their goodwill to him. Make a $25 loan or more to push Joseph’s dream closer to reality and help him keep his big smile. Please support this hardworking dad during this tough time of the Covid 19 pandemic.

This loan is special because:

It finances smallholder farmers to purchase dairy cows, chickens, cereals, farm inputs and farming equipment.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details