A loan helped me to work with weavers from Ghana. We products handwoven baskets.

Simbala's story

My overall story of being small business in Colorado starts back in 2007. I am a returning Peace Corps volunteer that worked with women cooperatives as a Peace Corps volunteer. As a volunteer I saw away to continue to help in developing countries after I finish my service as a Peace Corps volunteer and started working with women weaver in Ghana. We produce 16,000 baskets a year and employee 500 weavers.

If I am not able to continue my work because of this Coronavirus 19 it will have far reaching impact on many lives.

For more than 15 years I have been at trade shows, and Farmers Markets to sell our baskets. I normally participate in the Trade show from Oct to April and my Farmers Markets from May to Oct every year. All of my Trade were cancel and the other ones were poorly attended do to the rumors of this virus that people were getting sick from as early as Nov 2019. The organizers of the farmers markets have told the vendors that at this time they are unsure of the months to come, whether aren’t we still have the markets this summer. Because of the Coronavirus 19 it has had very bad financial impact on my business.

This loan is special because:

It helps a business overcome the challenges posed by COVID-19.

Loan details

About Tia Woven Goods

Industry: Retail
Years in operation: More than 5 years
Website: tiawovengoods.com


Lenders and lending teams

Loan details