A loan helped to buy farm supplies such as calcium, boron and zinc, to maintain 1.4 hectare of coffee.

Roger Omar's story

Roger is a coffee producer who lives in central northern Nicaragua. He has a small farm of 1.4 hectares of coffee plantation, which he manages with his wife to improve the living conditions of their two children. With the support of the PAC’s technical team, he implements fair trade FLO certification criteria.

With more than 10 years of experience in planting and harvesting coffee, this year he is requesting a loan that will allow him to maintain his coffee trees. The money will help him to buy farm supplies such as calcium, boron, zinc and to pay for labour for his collaborators.

This investment will help his production to be of quality and to improve his family's income.

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Gladys R.

This loan is special because:

It allows farmers to plant trees needed to shade coffee plants.

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