A loan helped to buy seeds and repair the tools she uses for the work.

Tatiana's story

Tatiana is a 46-year-old woman from Zaicani village, Riscani region of Moldova. She is married and is the mother of two very cute children. Tatiana has been a farmer for a long time. She owns 0.6 ha of land, on which she grows vegetables. She sells the vegetables at the market and manages to earn an income to support the family. The family's expenses are high, and for this reason the income is enough to cover them.

Tatiana wants to buy seeds and repair the tools she uses to do the work. Not having enough money, she applied for a loan from the Kiva source. By developing the business, she will ensure a higher standard of living for her family.

This loan is special because:

It enables those living in rural areas to grow their businesses at a lower interest rate.

Loan details

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