A loan helped to make a deposit on a wooden fishing boat and a few building materials for her home.

Marica's story

In the words of Marica, she says, "I fish because I have to". 52-year-old Marica said this without skipping a beat. Fishing has always been a tradition for villagers of Waicoka for many generations. It has been the main source of food and income for the people in the village.

But now, she wants to turn this into a business to get funds for her 2 high-schoolers and maybe fix up her house a little bit. However, she needs the right kind of support and therefore she’s requesting for a loan of 2,000 FJD to help her make a deposit on a small wooden boat and buy building materials for her home.

She wants to have that same satisfaction that one has when they’ve achieved a certain target in their life no matter how old or how long it’s taken for it to be finally realized.

This loan is special because:

It provides women with credit in a country where alternative financing is extremely scarce.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

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