A loan helped to invest in the bulk purchase of silver and gemstones.

Sukartini's story

Sukartini is an artisan from Indonesia who specializes in handcrafted jewelry. She would like to invest in a bulk purchase of silver and gemstones.

Sukartini has been selling through NOVICA since 2005. This is her story: "My mother instilled in me the value of a 'Balinese woman,' including how to prepare temple offerings. At the age of 16, I studied at SMIK (Sekolah Menengah Industri Kerajinan) in Gianyar where I learned batik, ceramics and other home industries. Back from school, I took an apprenticeship with a silversmith in a village where they specialized in jewelry. Today I work together with local silversmiths to promote Bali's beauty in our own way. We make different kinds of jewelry, mostly with sterling silver, in both traditional and modern styles."

"Thank you for your kind support. This loan allows me to add to my working capital so I can replenish my stock. I wish to sell more so I can improve my business."

Use the link below to view Sukartini's handcrafted jewelry on the NOVICA site:

This loan is special because:

It gives artisans working capital at 0% interest rates.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details