A loan helped a member to purchase supplies to be able to make cleaning kits.

San Cayetano Group's story

The committee is called San Cayetano. It is a group that is in its first cycle with 14 members, all of whom have been working together in order to offer better living conditions to their families. The group is quite united, from the Santaní area.

One of the members is Myrian who makes a living selling Cleaning Kits that she is in charge of making and then selling. She is a hard-working person who is looking for ways to improve and thus be able to offer better living conditions to her loved ones so that they do not go through any type of need.

She requests this loan to be able to purchase supplies to make her cleaning kits and in this way continue working as she has been doing.

The children in the photo are the daughters of members of the group that requests this loan.

In this group: Justiniana, Lurdes, Liz, María, Manuela, Juana, María, Janina, Eliana, Raquel, Vilma, Isabel, Myrian, Gladys

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Maria Pelaez.

This loan is special because:

It helps reach the underserved

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