Gabriela is 29 years old, in a common-law marriage, has one 8-year-old child and is 4 months pregnant. Her spouse is a mechanic. She lives in Manta, a place which is characterized by its hard-working people who fish and work in trade.
Gabriela is a mother who is dedicated to her family. To help her spouse give her family a better life, she works sewing clothing in her house, where she has served her customers from Monday to Sunday, with the help of her mother, for several years. In addition, to contribute more to the household, she also purchases clothing in bulk and displays it in her shop.
She will invest in doing maintenance on the machine, and on fabric, thread, buttons, and more. Her dream is to have a site to sell cacao paste.
Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Wendy H. View original language description.