A loan helped a member acquire more merchandise, ingredients or raw materials for their respective businesses.

El Ceibo Group's story

The nine members of the EL CEIBO Community Group meet at a regional office for Kiva partner Pro Mujer Panamericana. This will be the group's 15th loan, accordingly, the members have been together for about seven years. One of the oldest members is Felicidad C., who with the courage and love of her mother was able to make headway for her eight children, to whom she has been both a father and mother. Felicidad sells food. With her talented hands she prepares tasty meals such as fried chicken and other popular regional dishes. She is feeling a little tired and wishes to start up a new business, specifically one dedicated to buying and selling toilet paper, bringing it from the city of Desaguadero and selling it in the city of Cochabamba. To do this, she needs a loan, and if things go badly she will return to her former business. All the member need the loan to acquire more merchandise, ingredients or raw materials for their respective businesses.

In this group: Felicidad, Gladys Petronila, Luisa, Maxima, Florencia, Angélica, Graciela, Sonia, Gladys Elba

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer anonymized.

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