María Eugenia F. is a member of the Vegaspamba community bank in the parish of Jadán, where the people make a living in agriculture and raise farm animals such as chickens and pigs. The people are very friendly and have the custom of toasting with traditional maize liquor during festivals where they also maintain their traditional dress with wool garments and sombreros. María is 38 years old, married and has four children, ages 16, 14, 12 and 9. Her first son works at a body shop, and the money he makes he uses for personal expenses and for his education at a distant school. Her second son helps with household chores, and her two youngest children go to a community school. Her husband works in construction. They live in a small home made of planks. María has made ropes since she was very young. She learned the craft from her mother and it has now become a way of life. She works in her free time since she has to tend to the household chores and care for her youngest children. She is very content to belong to a community bank with women who are always looking for a better way to make headway for their families. This is her eighth loan, and with the money she plans to purchase primary-need items such as rice, sugar, oil, salt, cleaning and personal products, among other provisions. She will also use it to cover some of the costs of her children's education, and another part to acquire supplies to make her ropes. Her dream is to have a house made of stone.
Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer anonymized. View original language description.