A loan helped purchase seeds and fertilizers for spring field work.

Ulan's story

Ulan is 29 years old. He is married is raising two children. He has a secondary degree. He works as an assistant cook in a local cafe. For additional income for his family, Ulan grows crops and rears animals. Thanks to his responsible approach to work, Ulan currently has two cows, fifteen sheep, a horse, and a 1.44-hectare plot of land, on which he grows beans.

With the goal of further developing his business, Ulan requested from Bai Tushum Bank a loan in the amount 50,000 KGS to purchase seeds and fertilizers for spring field work. Ulan plans to invest earnings from the loan into expanding his farm. Part will be with put away to save for building a barn.

Translated from Russian by Kiva volunteer anonymized.

This loan is special because:

The borrower receives a lower interest rate to fund their agriculture activities.

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