A loan helped to buy necessary spare parts to repair his car.

Juan Sebastian's story

Juan Sebastián is 26 years old, and he wants to get a new loan. He is in a common-law marriage, and lives with his partner and children; they are his main priority.

The loan he wants is to buy necessary spare parts to repair his car, which is the most comfortable way for him to travel to his workplace. He hopes that this investment will offer his family a better quality of life and more financial stability, and that with it, he will be able to continue growing as a person and as a micro-entrepreneur.

This is the second loan he has received from FUDECOSUR. He previously did not have loans from state banks, but FUDECOSUR has offered him the loan more easily and with a much lower interest rate.

Translated from Spanish.

This loan is special because:

It reaches rural borrowers that are considered too risky for traditional banks.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details