A loan helped a member to purchase more sacks of grocery goods like beans, millet and peas.

Kitookye Group, Kihihi's story

He has subsisted on a produce-sales business for a timeframe of two years. At the age of 38 years, T. Justus is a fledgling produce-sales business trendsetter whose example is bound to stand out as a benchmark for other youth in his home area of Kitookye trading centre, Kihihi. Many youth in his home area preoccupy themselves in self-destructive activities like drinking alcohol and smoking marijuana.

With his hard work, Justus has managed to take firm root and, in a week, he apparently makes 70,000 Ugandan shillings. With his monthly savings, he has managed to diversify his small business. This, however, has not come the easy way as he has had to grapple with many adversities such as the unpredictable weather patterns which for the most part mean he has fewer supplies from farmers.

Justus’s dream is to build his own produce stalls and stores to keep his surplus goods. With this loan he hopes to implement the aforementioned.

In this group: Justus, Edson, Isa, Justus, Leo, God, Nicholas, Julius, Augustine, Benson, Allen, Evalisto

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