A loan helped a member to buy wholesale supplies of fruit and vegetables, including avocados, oranges, bananas and cassava leaves, boosting her starting capital.

Confiance Group's story

Shukuru is a client at IMF Hekima and is a member of the "Confiance" banc villageois. She is 34 years old and is married with six children, all of whom are in school. Her husband is a tradesman.

Shukuru sells fruit and vegetables, a business she began in 2008 with seed capital from her husband. She later got involved with the Hekima program to support her business and, in conjunction with them, the business has gradually evolved. With this latest loan, she is going to buy wholesale supplies of fruit and vegetables, including avocados, oranges, bananas and cassava leaves, boosting her starting capital. The challenge she faces in her business is unpaid debts.

She would like her children to stay in school and to feed her family. Lastly, she would like to thank Hekima and their partners for the financial support they give to business owners unable to qualify for bank loans. Some clients have preferred to be photographed with their children.

In this group: Antoinette, Faida, Furaha, Jackies, Victorine, Sara, Floribert, Louise, Ceraphin, Ndimubanzi, Shukuru, Francisco, Ngoy, Isidor, Louise, Olivine, Jeremie, Kasuki, Grace, Aime, Shekinah

Translated from French by Kiva volunteer anonymized.

This loan is special because:

It serves entrepreneurs in conflict-affected areas with few opportunities.

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