A loan helped buy food products.

Reyna Maribel's story

Reyna Maribel M. D. C. is 33 years old. She lives in the La Poza canton, which is located in the Usulután department. She lives with her husband, who works, and their two children, ages 9 and 12.

Rosa has a store where she sells basic needs products. She sells them in her house. Because it is the only store in the canton, she has a lot of customers who consume her products everyday.

That is the reason she is requesting a loan to be able to have the necessary money to invest more in her business. She will buy more products like bread, bottled water, canned food, sausages, milk, and everything needed to be able to satisfy her customers’ basic needs.

Improving her business is very important to Rosa because this helps her maintain an acceptable level of economic stability for herself, her husband, and for her children.

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Ginny Kalish.

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