Pedro Chavarría Gonzales, 57, lives with his wife and two children in a community called Caño Negro located in Los Chiles, Alajuela province. This community is notable for being a mountainous area very close to the country’s northern border. Its main economic activities are farming, specifically basic grains, sugar cane and oranges, and cattle-raising.
Pedro has raised cattle since he was very young; this is how he has supported his family. He tells us that he’s been in this line of work for 40 years so he has experienced all the cares it demands as well as adequate training. He says that he’s very proud because he has gradually gotten ahead in life.
Pedro wants a 666,000 colones loan to buy young calves to raise so that his business will succeed; he wants to be a successful micro entrepreneur to help his family get ahead because they are his motivation to continue his daily efforts to work hard.
Pedro is a member of EMCRECOBA communal bank, one EDESA’s 100 member organizations in Costa Rica.
This will be his 3rd loan and he assures us that loans have been of great use to him in reaching his goals.
Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer anonymized. View original language description.