A loan helped to purchase starch, cheese and coconut.

Florentino's story

Description: Florentino is married to Isabel Gimenez de Gonzalez. They have five children. Three are adults and two are still under their care. He lives in his own house that belongs in the YTUMI company of the city of CAACUPE, where he has his business. The business started more than 20 years ago when they married. They saw an opportunity in the place where they live and with time they expanded to other areas.

The family makes chipas [a traditional cheese bread] to sell. They also possess a stall where he obtains milk for resale, and he buys coconut to resell to companies that produce soap and coconut oil.

The loan that he is asking for will be invested in the purchase of raw materials to make chipas (starch, cheese, vegetable shortening) and to purchase coconut. Florentino wants to grow his business day by day in order to increase his family income and give his whole family a dignified life.

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Ellen Donohue.

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