A loan helped to buy a dairy cow to increase the number of cattle and sales of organic milk.

Kutman's story

Kutman is 29 years old, married, and has a son. He has a higher education. Since 2015, breeding livestock has been Kutman's main source of income.

Thanks to his responsible approach to his business and hard work, Kutman's farm currently includes seven cows and 16 sheep. In order to continue growing his business, Kutman has applied for a loan of 50,000 KGS at Bai Tushum Bank to purchase a dairy cow to be able to increase his income from selling organic milk.

Kutman is planning to invest the income generated by this loan in further growing his farm and buying a tractor.

Translated from Russian by Kiva volunteer anonymized.

This loan is special because:

It supports organic farming and includes a lower interest rate.

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