A loan helped a member to increase capital for her salt business.

Paraiso Por Siempre Group's story

The communal bank "Paraiso por Siempre" [paradise forever] includes ten members. Lizeth is the president. She is 26 years old and the single mother of two daughters. During the first years of her marriage, she was physically abused, and therefore had to return to her parents' home and take charge of her two daughters. She began to work for a salt-bagging company, where she learned the work. Now, she sells salt in various forms in the marketplace.

She requests the loan to increase her capital to to sell other products, to be able to have more income. She wants to build a house and later to have a neighborhood store.

In this group: Aydee Lia, Romelia, Muede, Magin Abad, Jhenny Lizeth , Veronica, Rony Abraham, Vladimir Walter, Raquel, Roman Abdon

Translated from Spanish.

This loan is special because:

It empowers women through group lending.

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