Silvia is a 34 year old mother. She lives with her husband and 12 year old daughter in the Pacasmayo district, located in the province with the same name, which is itself located in the La Libertad region, two hours from the city of Chiclayo, capital of the Lambayeque region.
For more than ten years, she has been selling articles of clothing and shoes through customer orders. She acquires her merchandise in the cities of Lima and Trujillo in order to later be able to offer it to her customers. This business has allowed her and her husband to pay their family expenses, during the time they have been together. They are now working together to build their own home. They each give their best to their respective activities.
Silvia wants to expand her business in order to satisfy the growing demand that she has been experiencing. It is because of this that she has seen the need to request her first loan of 1,000 PEN ($375) that she will invest in more merchandise.
She is a responsible, enterprising woman who always gives her best to her work in order to move her family ahead. Her greatest desire is to see her house completed and be able to move in so that she can spent some nice moments there with her family.

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer anonymized. View original language description.