A loan helped to pay for her husband's medical clinic expenses so he will recover his health and be able to return to his normal life activity.

Liljana's story

Liljana is a 53-year-old Egyptian woman from one of the vulnerable ethnic minority communities of southern Albania. She is married and has three daughters, all of them married and living with their families.

Liljana is a blacksmith and has been in the field for twenty years. She feels proud of being able to educate and help her children and her family financially, unlike others in her community. Her husband has not had a job of his own for a long time now and has been helping her out in this business. Together they have built a steady clientele that makes them happy.

Liljana is requesting a loan to pay for her husband's medical clinic expenses as he has not felt well lately. After a medical check-up, he resulted to be needing a light intervention and some medical treatments. Liljana hopes to have your support so that she can help her husband recover his health and be able to return to his normal life activity.

This loan is special because:

It supports women in a country where financing options are scarce.

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