This loan enables smallholder farmers to invest in their farms’ production. It is offered at a below-market interest rate and with flexible repayment terms that accommodate the seasonal cash flows of farmers. By supporting this loan, you are helping smallholder farmers increase production and improve their standard of living.
About Prisma Honduras:
This loan is administered by Prisma Honduras. Prisma is one of Kiva's first field partners in Central America and has funded over 2,500 entrepreneurs through Kiva since 2008. Prisma funds smaller than average loans for micro-entrepreneurs to help them grow businesses in urban and rural areas. To improve living conditions in Honduras, the organization strives to empower women who lack access to traditional financial services, and promotes solar panels to deliver clean, affordable electricity to rural areas. Through its four branches in southern and central Honduras, Prisma provides access to financial products to some of the poorest and most isolated communities in the country.