A loan helped to buy a motorcycle.

Mirian Clara's story

Mrs. Mirian Clara M. Ocampo is 32 years old. She sells a variety of medicinal products in Villarrica, San Juan Nepomuceno, Caazapa, and other districts.
Her husband, Mr. Ovidio Duarte, also helps with the business. He markets the products and takes orders door to door.
She goes to businesses in Independencia, Caazapa, Villarrica, as well as other districts. She takes the orders and delivers them in person.
With the goal of improving the way she conducts business and earning a higher profit, she has asked Fundación Paraguaya for a loan to buy a motorcycle. With the motorcycle, she and her husband will be able to take orders for the medicinal products and deliver them more efficiently.
She is grateful for the help. Her goal is to continue working and get ahead for the benefit of her family.

Translated from Spanish.

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