A loan helped to buy good fertilizer and good-quality seeds.

Selly's story

Selly is 46 years old and she is a picture of true beauty and hard work. She is a mother of three children living in Bomet-Kenya, a town that was significantly struck by the 2007–2008 Kenyan crisis when violence occurred in Kenya. She is a mixed farmer who also owns a retail business.

Unlike banks and other local money lenders who operate mainly in urban centres, Juhudi Kilimo (a kiva field partner) has extended its operations to the most remote areas of Kenya, creating opportunities to different people to access loans.

Selly is now seeking a helping hand through a 200,000 KES loan from Kiva's field partner, Juhudi Kilimo. She will use it to buy farm inputs such as good fertilizer and good-quality seeds to increase production and assure her children of a good future.

This loan is therefore an opportunity that she has never had before. Her irregular income and lack of collateral security were the main drawbacks limiting her from accessing a loan from commercial banks. Lend to her ahead of the International Women’s Day.

This loan is special because:

It finances dairy cows and agricultural equipment to grow small farms.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details