A loan helped a member to buy fingerlings for fish raising.

Muong Phang 26 Group's story

Mrs. Thuong, 61, is a Thai ethnic woman who is married and lives with her husband, a son, a daughter-in-law and two grandchildren in a Thai traditional house in the Northwest mountains of Vietnam.

Mrs. Thuong's family works in agricultural production to provide for their family. Because the income from farming is unstable, she has always wanted to expand her production. So, she requested to take a loan from the Anh Chi Em program, and this is the eighth time for it; her plan is to use that loan to buy fingerlings because she can see fish as a kind of animal that gets less disease. She hopes that those fish will grow fast and healthy so that the profits will come, and she can use this income to reinvest in fish raising.

Mrs. Thuong dreams that she can provide her children with a more abundant life with better living conditions, and her grandchildren a better education so that they will have a brighter life.

In the picture, she stands first from the right.

In this group: Thuong, Anh, Nga, Hien, Nguong, Om

This loan is special because:

It provides financial and other support to families living in vulnerable communities.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

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