A loan helped to pay for part of his and his sister's second semester university fees, so they will be able to continue their studies.

Raimond's story

Raimond is asking for Kiva lenders support to pay for part of his and his sister’s second semester university fees, so they will be able to continue their studies. They are children of two villager parents. Even though they try hard to provide for their children, it is very difficult for them to provide enough to support them even with their school studies.

For this, Raimond and his sister both work part time to cover their expenses. "We sent our parents for vacation during Christmas and New Year Eve, as they had never been abroad or on vacation. This is why we have not saved enough this time. We hope we can have your support to be able to pay for our school fees this time!"said Raimond during the interview.

Raimond works as a waiter, and his sister works in a meat processing factory, while his parents are both engaged in agricultural activities. Raimond thanks you in advance for the possible support and wishes all the best to all Kiva lenders.

This loan is special because:

It helps low-income students access education and pursue a better future.

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