A loan helped to purchase fabrics to make curtains for sale.

Nodira's story

The 35-year-old Nodira is a remarkable and talented person who lives in the industrial city of Tursun-zoda. She is married to a master builder, and together they have two daughters of ten and eight. Six years ago, Nodira learned how to make curtains and began making that her livelihood, to help her husband provide for the family. In those six years, she has enhanced her sewing skills and design abilities, so she now has an adequate client base.

But Nodira wants to move forward and expand her business. She is requesting a loan to buy more fabric to make curtains for sale and in this way increase her business's earning power. She is relying on your support and kindness.

Translator profile picture

Translated from Russian by Kiva volunteer Liv Bliss.

This loan is special because:

It supports the well being of women and their families.

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