A loan helped to buy sugarcane varieties and hire labor and a sugarcane loader.

Wanatda's story

Wanatda lives with her daughter and sons in a Kuy community in Surin province, along the Thai-Cambodia border. To make a living, her family cultivates a sugarcane farm in a small land plot.

During this season, she really needs a budget to buy sugarcane varieties, hire labor to harvest sugarcane, and pay for a sugarcane loader. Therefore, she applied for the Kiva loan to operate activities on her farm.

The loan would be very helpful for her to increase her income sufficiently. Moreover, she plans to allocate the amount of income to buy needed tools for using on the sugarcane farm as well.

This loan is special because:

It helps women living in rural areas improve financial literacy and invest in their businesses.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

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