A loan helped to buy beef, meat, pork, fish, liver, ground beef, and tripe to increase his sales and profit.

Luis Carlos's story

Luis Carlos, 33, is a micro-entrepreneur who lives in the municipality of Soledad with his spouse.

He also has a business there where he sells food and liquor. He started this business about six years ago, after having been unemployed, so he could support his household and earn income for a better quality of life for himself and his family. He provides service every day in cash to his main customers, who are his neighbors, friends, and people who live near the area.

Currently he's applying for his first Kiva loan with Fundación Mario Santo Domingo, to buy beef, meat, pork, fish, liver, ground beef, and tripe so he can increase his sales and profits. Help him with his loan for his business.

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Catharine Wall.

This loan is special because:

It provides borrowers in micro businesses with affordable loans.

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